
Secure Wallet

We have been working on the design and distribution of Central Bank issued digital currency technolgy for decades and the ECO-6 Lumi is today distributed direct to millions of community members within Continental Africa and throughout the ECO-6 region.

African Kingdoms Lumi (AKL)

The African Kingdoms Lumi (AKL) is the default closed community currency. Registered members receive free monthly distributions of AKL 6.26 until October 2023.

Financial inclusion

By creating a closed community with a central community digital currency, we are using technology to address the global financial inclusion problem which affects over 1.7 Billion globally.

Robust social income model

A robust social income model based on transaction value has been developed and implemented in Account with upto 5 active tiers T1, T2, T3, T4 and T5. 

Local access via local partners

Our approach to the financial inclusion problem is to leverage collaboration with global Parnerts. In Countries where these local partners exist, members can access a range of local services . 

Real time exchange

The Account enables community members to transact in real time on a peer to peer basis to drive economic empowerment and participation in the real economy. 

Equitable access for all

With default access to the ECO-6 Lumi, Swifin helps to address the financial exclusion problem by ensuring equital access to all.

More information on Account Service

With over 1.7 Billion people worldwide who are impacted by the financial inclusion problem, there is a need to use technology to improve access. 

Connect brings individuals, businesses and States together into a real time transaction ecosystem and the Account Service provides a transactional instrument in the form of a Community currency (The African Kingdoms Lumi) which is available to all.

Members need both access and an instrument of exchange. Access is given by using financial inclusion technology and the ECO-6 Lumi is used as the transactional instrument accress the platform for all members. 

There is no monthly cost. There is no annual cost.

Peer to Peer transactions may be subject to fees depending on the support plan used. 

Equitable access, common community wide instrument of exchange ans potential to address both the financial inclusion problem and the multiple currency issues with the 5 regional economies in Continental Africa.


Why do I need a Swifin ID

Without a Swifin ID, you are not able to participate in the social income model as this is only implemented within the Account Service. A Swifin ID is also required to acces the Transact Service.

Can I access other services without Account?

You can but you will not be getting the full benefit of the financial inclusions tools when combined. For example;

Connect brings everyone together and provides the tools for collaboration, support and training. In order to access these services you need to be on Connect but you also need to have a Swifin ID to access the community social income.

What is the best way to access Account?

Account is one tool out of a number of Swifin tools designed to address financial inclusion and the multiple currency problem in some economic regions. To access all the tools it is recommened that you follow these steps.

1. Obtain your Swifin Mailbox or use an existing reliable email service. 

2. Create a Connect to obtain a Connect Profile Link

3. Create Account to to obtain a Swifin ID

4. Create a Transact profile and activate by submitting KYC and the Connect Profile Link and Swifin ID created in steps 2 and 3 respectively.

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